My book selection focuses on illustrated natural history, especially botany and zoology.

My book selection focuses on illustrated books from the 15th century through to the first half of the 20th century.

Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
» est. 1953 «

Rare and illustrated books from the 15th to 20th centuries.
Beautiful and remarkable antiquarian objects.

Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt


The catalog contains 2 items. Drop search results and show the complete catalog.

: :
€ 850.–
Tübingen, C.F. Osiander, 1822.
Kl.-8°. XXIV, 668, 60 S., 2 Bl. Mit gestoch. Titel, 7 Kupfertafeln, mehrf. gefalt. Karte und mehrf. gefalt. Tabelle. Halbleinenbd. der Zeit mit Rückenvergoldung (Kanten leicht berieben, eine Ecke min. bestoßen). Show details…
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My book selection focuses on luxury editions and extraordinary bindings.